Dr. Cathy I. Batton, Books

Patented Inventor, Author, Entrepreneur, Counselor Developer, Leadership Consultant, Dr. Cathy is sought after internationally acclaimed, keynote speaker and ministry designer.

Walk With Me Now – Selected Poems of Growth and Wisdom

This selection of poems denote knowledge and wisdom gained through experience. It is derived from living under a false sense of identity, creating a non effective, non-productive hollow mannequin, to acknowledging that nothing is lost or wasted in producing growth. These poems are endeavoring to express sentiments beyond intellectualism and public image building. They describe encounters with life, that either have the effect of draining you dry or pouring in of nutrients for growth. It is hoped that the reader will partake of the great trials, that perhaps could be avoided and also view the possibilities of soul abundance. I discovered the treasure, that peace and rest is the children’s bread and can only be acquired through a true faith relationship of heart, mind and spirit. This is the promised peace and joy even in sorrow, that the world cannot give. These words of wisdom and evidence of growth are planted on a foundation that is only accessed by being in an intimate relationship with God. This wisdom is now shared with you.

Counseling Teen Suicide

The significant increase in suicides among teens has reached the crisis point and is now a national concern. The alarm is genuine and the threat is real. Teen suicide has become a serious public health issue and is the second leading cause of death for the 15-24 year old age group. The Covid-19 Pandemic with social distancing, isolation , lack of connectivity, pervasive anxiety and economic stress has further exacerbated the problem. The loss of our youth is the loss of potential for future success. It is the loss of innovation, passion, creativity and the ideas, making them eager to adapt to challenge. It is the loss of the energy, enthusiasm, physical strength and resiliency, inherent in the young. As in countries like Greece, Spain and Japan, with aging populations, a loss of youth is the loss of a future work force that powers the economy, imperils economic growth and renders a society no longer self- sustaining. The loss of our youth is indeed a modern tragedy from every viewpoint. The ultimate goal is to decrease the suicide rate that is rising so alarmingly among our most valuable resource, our children.

Ascendant :Selected Poems of Strength and Vulnerability

It was a consistent endeavor to crawl out of the position of vulnerability. Living in this position, I was susceptible to being wounded, both physically and emotionally defenseless against open assault, moral attack and criticism. It was necessary for my continued existence, to learn to walk in a position of strength and ascendancy. Every day, my goal is to function in a state of strength, incorporating spiritual power with intellectual and moral fortitude. I am aware that it is God’s will that the gifts, talents, skills and abilities that He has given, be wielded as a force and voice of reason, influence, authority and resource. It is my operating agenda to be an individual source of power, encouragement, vigor and sustenance, reflecting an intensity of light for an ever- darkening world. This selection of poems graphically expresses the day-to-day journey from vulnerability to ascendancy and proof of the power that exists for transformation. 

To Love Him 

Since the knowledge of an intimate love relationship with God is rarely expressed, I feel honored to share my heart strings. This selection of original poems herald the stages of my personal spiritual walk with the Lord Jesus. In times of depressive burdens, rejection and frustration, I felt very much in the dark as noted in Chapter One. Because I was reared in the church, my search for direction always had specific parameters. I always knew that God was my primary source, despite my own inadequacies. Finding the Light at the end of a dreary tunnel, gave renewed inspiration, as indicated in Chapters Two and Three. I have been awakened to the beauty in the creative design that God has placed everywhere, from the simple to the brilliant. I have been mystified by the invitation to true intimacy with God.

More Than A Warrior Spiritual Video Game 

A great amount of energy is expended in imaginary worlds, which are bound in the same problems of old earth. However, this game is of true realities of the true spiritual world, based on the Bible but, has been hidden in plain sight over the eons. There are ancient truths that have never been revealed because, only those of spirit can comprehend. Operating in this true spiritual realm, the player will become aware of the benignity of innocence, as well as, the denial and blissfulness of ignorance. All areas of grey will be crystalized to startling white, bringing total clarity to the ever encroaching darkness that is pure evil. By following the plan and immersion in the game, the players move from average nobodies to one who is transformed by the renewing of the mind. Players take on the character, the mind-set and the skills of the spiritual warrior. Far more than a warrior, those who transcend, take dominion, authority and power to rule and reign the earth and beyond. These immortals wheel the reversed strengths, moving from purity to purity, fulfillment to fulfillment, power to power, and glory to glory, as they embody the mantels of destiny, magnify and represent ‘the greatest of all powers’.

 They shout… We are More Than Warriors! 


Male to Male Love relationship

is the first and strongest love relationship on earth. It is the expressed love of God, the Father to the first man, Adam and is thereby established through the generations of fathers to sons. Males loving males in a powerful, nurturing, supportive relationship is both natural and spiritual. Males loving males is not evil, neither against nature nor against God. God has a plan for all of his creation and mis-identification and uncertainty of self, is not part of the design. There is an author of confusion as well as lies but, our Creator has given us a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. Evil seeks to ensnare us into a scheme with the desired outcome of death and destruction. The true plan of God is for each of those He has created to have a full, abundant, and productive life. It is not a part of God’s plan for His creation to have to search for its basic functional operational identity. God is Love and loves all of His creation, whether we have been enticed into a myriad of diverse bondages. The truth of His love for all of us is available and waits to be accepted. He waits to renew the original design, clarify our search for identity and heal all brokenness. 

Dancing With The Light

Dancing with the Light video game is an opportunity for players to experience the enjoyment of vertical dance, using a full range of dance movements and genres, from Folk to Modern, utilizing aerial dance techniques. The dancing is a two person performance with partners consisting of the Dancer/player and an inspired Rope of Light. The Rope of Light though inanimate, possesses all of the movement, capabilities and characteristics of a living dance partner. The Dancer creates a choreographed, costumed, stage production video, while performing with the Rope of Light, to the music of the dancer’s choosing. The Dancer is challenged by the awarding of score points in the areas of creative expression, show design, costume, execution, coordination and projecting the believability of an inanimate dancing partner. Dancing With The Light provides a creative alternative to balance work and play with the perfect distraction. It can be soothing, ease stress, meditative or high energy, allowing for creative pride in making something personal and unique for dancers of all ages.

The Shortest Version of the Truth 

This little book is the shortest ever version of the holy bible , the gospels and gives a contemporary example, that makes everything crystal clear and beyond any excuses for lack of understanding. The entire book was dictated to me by direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit. As it happened, early one morning before the sun was completely up, I was still in that space between sleep and awake. I could hear the voice of the Lord telling me to get up, get paper and write. I took the pad and a pen and began to write exactly what the Holy Spirit dictated to me. My role in this project was only to write the words spoken to me as quickly and correctly as I was able. I continued to write until the complete story was written from the beginning to the end. Since this was written by God, I am certain 'His words shall not return void but, shall accomplish what He pleases it to accomplish' in the life of each reader. To God be all the glory honour and praise, forever and ever amen.

Life Lessons Somebody Should Have Taught Me

A simple, concise compilation of life enhancement instructions based on scientific, sociological, theological and experiential data. Each lesson is structured to provide references to assist the reader's own personal validation of suggested advice. It gives interactive activities to re-enforce specific skills with Biblical cross-references provided for each life lesson. The highlight is a battery of personality inventories for the reader to engage in-depth self-evaluation, promoting personal character awareness and hopefully development.

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